Thinking, Language & Intelligence


Critical Thinking Consortium
This organization strives to make critical thinking a core social value.

Mission: Critical
San Jose State University's critical thinking web page.  Includes an interactive tutorial to promote critical thinking.


The Psychology of Language
A comprehensive web site on the nature and development of language. Also explores language from every aspect, including biological, theoretical, cultural and anthropological, and philosophical. Also addresses the relationship between language and thought from a cross-cultural perspective.

World Wide Words
A site investigating international English from a British viewpoint.  Presents history, quirks, curiosities, and evolution of the English language.


Annotated Bibliography of Mind-Related Topics
Includes such topics as artificial intelligence, artificial life, cognitive models of memory, consciousness, cybernetics, language, mental imagery, models of cognition, pragmatics, semiotics, philosophy of mind, theories of mind and more.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences Online
An online archive on a variety of topics including intelligence, learning, language, AI, cognition and more. Go to the "Interactive Archive."

The Intelligence Page
Mensa, IQ and intelligence favorite links is ranked in the top ten most frequently visited mensa web sites. Includes discussions on the role of intelligence, giftedness, mensa groups, puzzles, IQ tests and much more.

Mensa International and Mensa USA
A society for bright people. The society welcomes people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population. The goals of Mensa are: to foster human intelligence, to encourage research and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities. Go to Mensa USA at:

The Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children
A national volunteer resource and support network for highly gifted children, their families, schools and communities.

The Creativity Web
A site designed to cultivate creativity. Includes a genius gallery, mind mapping, a mental workout center, drawing, visual thinking, word games and puzzles.

Howard Gardner and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Internet Guide to Howard Gardner
Includes links about Howard Gardner and MI theory -- biographies, interviews and online articles.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Listen to Howard Gardner discuss intelligence and his theory of multiple intelligences. Requires real player.

Howard Gardner's Books
To purchase some of Gardner's books at on Intelligence, type in Howard Gardner.

Multiple Intelligences Links Page
Many web links on Howard Gardner and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Other MI Links
Includes many MI links, biographies, abstracts and excerpts from Gardner's books, the MI newsletter and more.


Howard Gardner: How Children Learn

Cultivating Multiple Intelligences at the Key Learning Community

Howard Gardner on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Sir Ken Robinson on Multiple Intelligences


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Artificial Intelligence Guide
Examines the history, uses and consequences of artificial intelligence (AI). Beginners can learn the basics here while researchers can access extensive technical resources.

Project Bot
A set of two games in which one must program the artificial intelligence for robots. These robots battle each other to the death.

Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems
Located in the Ukraine. Includes focus on artificial intelligence, electronic textbooks, experiments and design, robotics, speech recognition, system analysis and visual images recognition.

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
A resource that covers all areas of artificial intelligence.

Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
This research institute is located in Vienna, Austria and includes basic and applied research in: natural language processing, neural networks, machine learning and data mining, knowledge-based systems, constraint logic programming, intelligent software agents and new media and more.

Generation 5
Articles and commentaries on artificial intelligence. Also includes, books, software, games, competition, projects and related links.

Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Includes research in AI, robotics, vision and virtual reality, neural networks and control systems. Also includes a list of publications from their research.


An Introduction to Robotics
Includes a discussion of robotics, including definition, history, applications, and examples of robots.

Robotics Online
Includes technical papers, research links, books and more.

Robotics Internet Resources Page
The UMass Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics, Robotics Information Page. Includes many links to web sites in academia and commercial and international sites. Also includes conferences, institutes and more on the subject.

Robots of Brown University's AI Lab
Pictures of the legobots from Brown's course on 'Building Intelligent Robots.'

Robotics as a Hobby
Includes pictures and descriptions or projects you can build, along with FAQs. Also includes links to electronic retailers, compilers and assemblers, electronics design and hobby pages, kits, magazines, groups and clubs and manufacturers.

The Seattle Robotics Society
One of the largest and most respected robotics groups in the world. Site also includes their newsletter.

Humanoid Robotics Group
The MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Includes papers and publications of the program's students and faculty on building humanoid robots. Also includes pictures of some of their models.