
Classical Conditioning

Basic Concepts in Classical Conditioning
This site includes a discussion of factors determining the effectiveness of classical conditioning. Provides an overview discussion of such concepts as timing, predictability, overshadowing, blocking, where associations are made and much more.

Classical Conditioning
Presents an overview of classical conditioning including the types, and the processes of generalization and extinction.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
An autobiography of the founder of classical conditioning and 1904 Nobel Laureate in Medicine.

John B. Watson
A brief biographical sketch of the life and work of the founder of behaviorism.

The Little Albert Experiment

Slide Shows of Classical Conditioning
Includes a general overview of the concepts of classical conditioning and slide shows of eyeballing conditioning, extinction, delay conditioning, trace conditioning and more.

Operant Conditioning

Animal Training at Sea World
Sea World tells you how they train their animals.  An interesting site with an introduction to animal training, how animals learn, marine mammal trainin, auditory cueing system and more.  When you get to the home page, click on "search database" at the bottom left side of the page.  Type in animal training in the search box, then click on #4, "animal training at sea world."

We will be using Cyberrat in our virtual lab session in class to understand operant conditioning.  CyberRat is a real rat in a psychology lab setting and you will learn the techniques of conditioning and the schedules of reinforcement.  At this site, you can purchase the CD Rom that you can use to practice and understand the concepts of operant conditioning prior to our in-class lab session and to use at anytime for stimulation and fun.

Operant Conditioning
Presents an overview of operant conditioning, including behaviors, reinforcers and schedules.

Operant Conditioning: How Reinforcement & Punishment Affects Children
Begins with an overview of the basic concepts in operant conditioning. Then moves into 3 separate powerpoint presentation modules on the subject (click on "Go To Poster Session"). Includes presentations on token economies, effects of reinforcement on children's attitudes and behavior and the effects of media aggression on children.

Operant Studies of Learning and Memory
An interesting site that covers such topics as, "How to Shape a Rat;" "Memory in Birds"; "Learning By Machines;" and, a list of reference books on the subject.

Positive Reinforcement: Self-Instructional Tutorials
A set of self-instructional tutorial modules offered as part of Athabasca University's open university curriculum. Begins with an introduction to the concept of positive reinforcement with illustrations. Has 14 modules that allow you to practice and receive immediate feedback on your responses. An excellent site for understanding the concept of positive reinforcement.

Sniffy, The Virtual Rat
Using Sniffy, you can explore operant and classical conditioning.  Look at the tutorials and then download Sniffy in preparation of your in-class laboratory time.

The B.F. Skinner Foundation
This site is about one of the founders of behaviorism - B.F. Skinner and his concepts about operant conditioning and reinforcement. It includes an autobiography, books written by Skinner and about him, and information on how to obtain free reprints of many of his writings. A great site!

Observational Learning

Albert Bandura: A Biography
Presents a good biographical sketch of the contributions, theoretical perspectives, and research of Bandura a leading social cognitive theorist.

Social Learning Theory
An overview of Albert Bandura and social learning theory (observational learning and modeling). Site  created by students at Bentley College. Also provides information on his research on modeling violence.