Theories of Personality


Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
An organization dealing with personality and social psychological issues.

Personality: What Makes Us Who We Are?    [Note:  This site is no longer active.]
A site of the Annenberg/CPB Exhibits. Includes an overview of personality and a discussion on reputation, behavior, thoughts and feelings, the unconscious, genes and society, the chemistry of personality, human nature and related resources. An excellent overview of major aspects of the field.

The Personality Project
A thorough guide to resources in personality psychology. This is the personality Project of William Revelle, director of the Graduate Program in Personality at Northwestern University. Provides discussion of personality theories and research.

Great Ideas in Personality
College course on personality.

Personality and Consciousness
Articles and links on personality and consciousness theorists - Freud, Jung, Adler and others.

Personality Tests
A variety of informal personality and lifestyle tests.

Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator
Another popular personality test based on the work of Carl Jung about introverted and extroverted personalities.

Personality Theorists

--Sigmund Freud--
Sigmund Freud
My research and biographical sketch on the life and works of Freud.

Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud Museum - London
About the life and work of Sigmund Freud during his last years of professional life in London. Takes you on a tour of the Museum and much more.

Freud Museum - Vienna
Freud's home during his early professional years in Vienna.

Freud: Conflict and Culture
The Freud archive at the Library of Congress.

The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
An online version of Freud's volume on dream and dream analysis.

The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Another online version in the Classics of Psychology.


History of the International Psychoanalytic Association (Founder-Sigmund Freud)

Sigmund Freud-Documentary Part 1 of 3

Sigmund Freud-Documentary Part 2 of 3

Sigmund Freud-Documentary Part 3 of 3

Sigmund Freud On The BBC - 1938 - Brief Audio Clip
Toward the end of his life, Freud was asked by the BBC to provide a brief statement about his decades-long career in psychoanalysis... here, in English, he offers a succinct overview... The "Freud Conflict and Culture" web site said this:

"On December 7, 1938, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) came to Freud's Maresfield Gardens home in London to record a short message. By this time his cancer of the jaw was inoperable and incurable, making speech difficult and extremely painful. A photograph of Freud was taken as he prepared to read the statement you are listening to now. After his long struggle with cancer grew intolerable, Freud asked his physician for a fatal injection of morphine. He died on September 23, 1939."

A Tribute to Freud

--Carl Jung--

C.G. Jung Page
Introduction to Carl Jung, with resources, articles, books and more.

The Philemon Foundation
The mission of the Philemon Foundation is to make the complete body of Jung’s work available in editions that meet the highest standards of scholarship and do justice to the true measure of this major creative thinker.
The Philemon Foundation is preparing for publication the Complete Works of C. G. Jung.

In distinction to the widely known Collected Works, it is intended that the Complete Works will comprise manuscripts, seminars, and correspondence hitherto unpublished numbering in the tens of thousands of pages. The historical, clinical, and cultural importance of this material equals and, in some instances, surpasses the importance of that which has been already published. The Philemon Foundation intends to make the completed body of C. G. Jung’s work available as volumes in the Philemon Series. As such, the Philemon Foundation is the successor to the Bollingen Foundation that originally made possible the publication of Jung’s Collected Works, the cornerstone of their Bollingen Series.

Philemon Foundation is in a unique position to have the support and contractual collaboration of the Stiftung der Werke von C. G. Jung.  You can download excerpts from the Red Book just recently published, along with a newsletter series on Jung History, a semi-annual publication of the Philemon Foundation.

Carl Jung-Videos

Face to Face with Carl Jung-Part 1

Face to Face with Carl Jung-Part 2

Face to Face with Carl Jung-Part 3

Face to Face with Carl Jung-Part 4

Carl Jung on Death

Carl Jung on Alchemy

Carl Jung on the Psyche

Carl Jung on Evil and the Psyche

--Erik Erikson--

Erik H. Erikson
News and Reviews From the Archives of the New York Times
This is a very comprehensive site on the life and works of Erik Erikson. It includes reviews of all the books written by Erikson, as well as those written about Erikson by others. It also contains interviews and news articles about Erikson. Books reviewed include: Childhood and Society (1950); Insight and Responsibility; Lectures on the Ethical Implications of Psychoanalytic Insight, (1965); Identity: Youth and Crisis, (1968); Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence, (1969); The Search of Common Ground: Conversations of Erik H. Erikson and Huey P. Newton, (1973); Life History and the Historical Moment, (1975); Dimensions of a New Identity, (1976); Toys and Reasons: Stages in the Ritualization of Experience, (1977); A Way of Looking At Things: Selected Papers From 1930 to 1980; and a host of articles about Erikson from others.

--Other Theorists--
Personality Theorists
Course site of Dr. C. George Boeree, Professor of Psychology at Shippensburg University (PA). Includes a detailed biographical and theoretical sketch of the following personality psychologists: Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Erik, Erikson, Carl Jung, Otto Rank, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, B.F. Skinner, Hans Eysenck, Albert Bandura, Gordon Allport, George Kelley, Snygg & Combs, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Ludwig Binswanger, Medard Boss, Viktor Frankl, Rollo May,and Jean Piaget.