Web Links to References, Libraries, Online Journals, Style Manuals & Study Guides

Abraham A. Brill Library
Contains the largest psychoanalytic library in the world. Includes over 40,000 books, periodicals, and reprints in psychoanalysis and related fields from its beginning to the present.

 American Psychological Association (APA)
This is the home page of the APA, a major membership organization of psychologists. They provide a wealth of information and resources about psychology, the organization and its services. There is also much information for students, including schools and graduate programs, scholarships, databases, etc.

Association for Psychological Science (APS)
Another major membership organization for psychologists, especially on the scientific side of the field. They provide students with a wealth of information, including historical events in psychology (under Today in Psychology's History).

APA Style Tips
Includes information on how to write without bias,  tips on using the electronic media, and authorship aids.  See also specific questions about the APA format.

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
Famous quotations in Great Books Online.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences Preprint Archive
A journal of neuroscience, behavioral biology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and philosophy.

California Digital Library
The digital library of the University of California.

Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science
A journal on topics related to the behavioral sciences.

Careers in Psychology for the 21st Century
Download the new  APA publication for students outlining careers in psychology. In PDF format.

Careers in Psychology
Learn about a variety of psychology careers and the prerequisites for entering certain fields.

Design of Scientific Posters
A site that provides you with an overview of how to design scientific posters for presentation.  Includes, sample posters, and poster templates.

Designing Effective Posters
A site by Jeff Radel, Ph.D., Department of Occupational Therapy Education at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Great for information on developing poster presentations and exhibits.

Developmental Psychology
A journal about developmental issues and human potential.

Discovering Psychology
The companion website to the video series and telecourse with Philip Zimbardo.  You will find many supplementary supportive discussions, articles, demonstrations, etc. that enhance the video presentations and our classroom discussions.

Education Policy Analysis Archives
A journal about issues related to educational policy and learning.

Effective Presentations
Provides advice for presenting research. Encompasses both oral and poster presentations.

Encyclopedia of Psychology
A database of psychology websites by category.  Categories include: Careers, Environment, Behavior & Relationships; Organizations; Paradigms and Theories; People and History; Publications; Resources; Underlying Reductionistic Machinery.

Harvard-MIT Data Center
Repository of Quantitative Social Science data.

How to be a Wise Consumer of Psychological Research
This essay can help you evaluate research-based claims and make you a better consumer of many of the products and services that shape your daily life.

Internet Public Library
A digital library with permanent and special exhibits.

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Articles on artificial intelligence.

Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation
Articles on cognition and rehabilitation.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Writings and Research on Artificial Intelligence.

Journal of Family, Systems and Health
Articles and research on family psychological issues.

Journal of Neuroscience Online
Research and articles in neuroscience.

Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research
 A well known research institute in the world. Presents an overview of their behavioral and cognitive development research projects.

Media Psychology
Division 46 of the APA.  Focuses on roles psychologists play in various aspects of the media--radio, TV, film, video, newsprint, magazines, and other technologies.

A sited dedicated to helping advance research and education in media studies and critical thinking.  Site includes links to international news and media studies sites.

Merriam WWWebster Dictionary
A free online dictionary.

National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
The mission of the NICHD is to ensure that every person is born healthy and wanted; that women suffer no harmful effects from the reproductive process, and that all children have the chance to fulfill their potential.

National Library of Medicine
The world's largest medical library - includes medline - a database of biomedical research. Also includes health information publications, research programs, etc.

Noetica: A Cognitive Science Forum
Research on cognitive issues.

NVCC-Loudoun Library
Our campus library.  Here you can find much assistance and support for your library research.  You can also search online databases from home and have articles sent to your e-mail and much more.  See the psychology references and online databases.

Psybernetika-An Electronic Student Journal
A journal for students studying psychology.

A database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and others.  Search thousands of articles from journals and books.  Pay $11.95 for each full-text article you want to read.

A new full-text database of books and chapters from the publications of APA.  Here you can purchase paper copies or e-copies.

Psych Crawler
Database of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Psychology in the News
An extensive collection of news reports on psychological events.

Psych Web
This is an interesting site that contains brochures and articles, information on careers in psychology, commercial psychology resources on the Internet, psychology departments on the web, discussion pages, psychology journals on the web, mind tools and a discussion about the psychology of religion.

Psychology Matters - A Research Compendium
Psychology Matters is a web-based compendium of psychological research that demonstrates the application and value of psychological science in our everyday lives.  Here you can find research articles and studies on a variety of topics.  Included also is a glossary of psychological terms, definitions of psychology and an overview of the history of psychology.

Psychology Research on the Net
Psycholgically related experiments on the Internet can be found at this site.  Biological psychology/neurpsychology, clinical psychology, cognition, developmental psychology, emotions, general issues, health psychology, personality, sensation/perception, and social psychology are addressed.

Scientific American
An important science journal that includes many research studies and topics related to psychology.

Self-Help & Psychology Magazine

Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (from the U.S.Bureau of the Census)
A reference with many pertinent US Statistics.

The Elements of Style by William Strunk
A good reference manual for writing and grammar.

The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago
Includes the general social survey of the American public.

US Department of Education Publications

Web Extension to APA Style
Proposed APA style manual standards for referencing web pages.