Genetics, Conception and Prenatal Development
Genetics and Conception
You are planning to have a baby. What do you need to know to get started planning for conception?
How does the man and woman need to prepare their body?
Is nutrition important before pregnancy?
Should you be thinking about genetic considerations, if so what and on what basis? How does heredity operate in determining sex and transmitting normal and abnormal traits? If you know certain types of diseases or disorders occur in your family lineage, how will you protect your pregnancy? If you or your partner were pregnant and either of you had a family history of a birth disorder, would you want to know your baby’s chances of being born with it? What happens during genetic transmission that you need to be aware of, in terms of your chances of conceiving a child with the same disorders that run in the family?
What strategies will you develop to conceive? When will you have sex and how often? What other factors contribute to a successful conception? What will happen during the fertilization process?
If you have difficulty conceiving, what can you do?
If you discover that you are carrying multiple fetuses, how did this happen?
The Developing Fetus During Prenatal Development and Prenatal Care
What environmental influences have the potential of affecting the baby’s development during the prenatal period? What environmental factors could be contributed by the mother and the father that could influence or impact the developing baby?
How often will you get prenatal care? Is early, high-quality prenatal care important? Why? What is involved in prenatal care? Where will you go to get this care? Who will be your doctor and what is the doctor’s specialty? Would you need to consult a specialist along with your main physician if you suffered from allergies or other ailments? How much weight will you gain?
What techniques and procedures are offered to assess the fetuses health and which procedures will you use to monitor your baby’s health and why? If you discovered that your baby had some type of defect, what would you do? Are there any alternative procedures available that could correct your baby’s disorder? Will you consider aborting? Why or Why Not?
Relative to the developing fetus- what are the stages of fetal development that the baby will experience and what will you be doing to support its development during each stage? What will your diet and exercise program consist of at each stage? Will you use nutritional supplements? Drugs?
What happens if the expecting mother gets sick? What kinds of illnesses can impact the developing fetus?
What will you do to help your baby develop physically and cognitively in utero? What kinds of abilities is your baby developing, if any in the womb? How are you monitoring these abilities in the developing fetus?
How will you know if your baby is developing normally or abnormally? What will you do if the baby is premature? How will you support the baby’s needs?
Getting Ready For Birth and the Birthing Process
How will you prepare for the newcomer - what plans are you making? What are you doing to the home environment?
What will be your method of delivery and where will you deliver? Is this a traditional mode of delivery or an alternative method? Why did you choose this method and place versus the others? Will your delivery include medication or nonmedication?
What will you (the mother) be doing to help the delivery? What role will your husband and family play in the birthing process, if any?
What are the stages of birth that the baby will be going through? What is the ideal birth weight you hope to achieve in the baby?
When the baby finally does arrive, what will you do? Are there any particular issues you need to be aware of or concerned about to help the newcomer adjust to the world? If so, what and how will you address these concerns?
Will you have a birth ceremony? If so, what will it consist of? Will you have types of ceremonies? If so, what?
What will you name the baby and how did you derive at the name? Will you send out announcements or post an announcement in your neighborhood?